Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Skinny on Juicing

We have been in our new home now for about a week and I have barely unpacked!!! I feel the mountains of bags and boxes, which I've realized I am not a very good packer or unpacker, have taken over my life!! One of the first things that I was delighted to dust off was my Breville Juicer!!!

A year ago, I attempted the juice fast by Joe the Juicer. That was the most mind crazing diet I have ever attempted and also the best I have ever felt. Here's the skinny on juicing....

I thought I would share a few of my favorite juice recipes to start your morning right!

Here is one from the website that I absolutely love... Have I told you about my obsession for beet juice. I hate eating beets, but for some reason I love the earthy taste in liquid form!

It's called Bright Pink-A-Licious Juice!!!

By Kelly from Nosh and Nourish!

1 – 2  small beets (beetroot), peeled
4 carrots
1 orange, peeled
1 sweet potato, peeled
1/2 lemon, peeled  

1.) Wash all ingredients well.

2.) Peel the beets, lemon, oranges and sweet potatoes.

3.) Cut the fruits and veggies into pieces small enough to fit through your juicer chute.

4.) Juice all produce and enjoy over ice.

 I hope you enjoy this one as much as I do!!!

P.S. I always recommend using only ORGANIC fruits and vegetables when juicing. It defeats the purpose.

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