A few weeks back, I read an article about this mother who photographed her little girl in costumes to replicate historic female role models. At first, I was pretty impressed. I just died over the Cocoa Chanel picture, even though the real model had a cigarette perched between her lips. What bothered me as I read, in addition to the title, the captions of each picture, was the insulting comments about Disney Princesses.
These historical women are great role models and I have every intention on educating my girls on important women through out our history. I also believe, we are not lacking in powerful career minded female examples.
Maybe it's the fact that I absolutely adore all things Disney, but why are these Princesses always portrayed in such a bad light? As if, wanting to find the one true love of your life and stay with that person forever is such a bad example. I mean, we should all get with the times because divorce is just something you do when you get tired of the person your with..... right?
We are raising our daughters to be strong willed and independent women, who can accomplish anything and that's great! One of the most important things for me, is teaching my daughters self love and respect. However, we forget to include the values of a true women (gasp!). What sets us apart from our counter parts is that we are sensitive and have a softness.We share a warmth and compassion that makes us nurturing. It's okay to be these things, even though media and society encourages different. It's okay to show a softness and light in the darkness of this rigid and cold world. Teaching bravery, independence and self sufficiency shouldn't come at the expense of the moral values that our little girls need.
I could give you a run down, list by list, of the individual characteristics that these lovely Disney royals bring forward, but I think it's more than obvious where I am going with this post.
Doesn't she look sweet?.....
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