Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

The past 6 years have definitely been an uphill road for our family. We have worked very hard and sacrificed many things to get to the place we are today. I've come a long way from a being a pessimistic person. It's taken me some life lessons and some gratitude to realize being happy is all about your attitude, not your situation.

We can always bond with our girlfriends and other mommies over the horror stories of raising little people, but we are slow to gush over the joys that it brings us as well. And a lot of the time, there are so many happy moments that sometimes don't get recognized or given credit where it's due. I'm guilty of both these things. Being a mommy to two young children can be testing but I think that sometimes we get so caught up in the bad that we don't allow ourselves to be happy.

It's okay to be happy. Really, it's okay!

It was two years ago this month, that my husband and I enrolled back in school to finish our bachelor's degrees. For two full years we have both been working full time, going to school full time, and raising two little girls. In this period of time we also managed to purchase our first home, and gain a promotion at work. We were happy even though it was hard! We were a happy family even though we spent Sundays rotating who got to do school work. We were happy because we still made time for what matters, family.

We are both set to finish with our degrees this coming December! When I look back at the past several years, I grin from ear to ear over the amount of obstacles we have overcome and the pride I feel. I am so happy!

The little things make me happy

My children's wild imagination

The lady bugs all around us on the day we moved into our first home... that's good luck, right?

Silly dance parties in the family room

My new obsession with yoga

The song "Walking On Sunshine" by Katrina & The Waves

Iced coffee

Warm sunshine and flip flops

Disney World

My husbands favorite song....... Yes, that's him:)

What makes you happy?

I'm sharing today for the Happy Mama Movement

and with Shell @


  1. I really need to work on the happy at our house. I tend to down play things adn be a bit pessimistic, but I really should start looking for the positive more.
    Congrats on school--that is an amazing achievement!

    1. Thank you so much! We have worked so hard for it! Pessimism can get the best of me too sometimes.

  2. What a wonderful post. You've inspired me to find the happy!! I struggle a lot with battling down negative thoughts (even as the "silver lining girl" in this household)...I think I just need more time on happy.

  3. congratulations on your education! I think it's great that you're taking time out to look at the good things. You're right, we don't do that enough.

    1. Oh thank you sooo much! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love your list of the little things! I tend to let the bad cloud my vision so every once in a while, I need to make lists like yours to remind myself that there is so much to be happy about!

    1. Yes! We can forget so easily until we force ourselves to see the bigger picture. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Disney World makes me happy as well. Especially since it looks like we get to go back next March!

    1. Yay!! We are going this September and I'm can't wait!

  6. That is an amazing accomplishment. I worked full time and went to school, but I did NOT have kids. I can't even imagine how hard it was. Congrats to you guys!

  7. I was just thinking this today! I've been so used to feeling low latley that I forget that its OK yo be happy! Exactky!

  8. Love this! So true. We forget sometimes that there are so many things to be happy about, especially in this life with small children. Congrats to you for all you've accomplished!

  9. Yes! Thank you! It is all about attitude!!! You can get crap dumped in your lap and attitude makes a world of a difference.
    I think that it's great that you both went back to school. It sounds like you've both put in so much work and the rewards are going to pay off in December. You sound like you both work really well as a team...cause that would be some serious stress up in here :)

  10. I love how you are finding happy in the everyday! And, you are right, we are the hardest on ourselves about sharing our happy!
