Monday, September 29, 2014

12 weeks to go

I'm really kinda stinking at this blogging thing lately. I've been so occupied by my capstone class and planning our first meeting as a Daisy Scout troop leader that things have fallen to the side. I will be so relieved and excited once I am finally done with school!!

12 Weeks to go!!!!

I only have 12 weeks left to complete my Bachelors degree. It seems like forever ago I was finally going back to finish up after taking a unintended 8 year break from my Associates. It's been about two and a half years since I went back and it's been non stop!

I've been a full time student through....
.... working full time birth to my second child.
....moving twice
... through 2 vacations
....being a first time home buyer and going through that agonizing process husband being a full time student too

If there is one thing that I have learned through this process it's that you can't put things on hold for school and you can put school on hold because of life. If I can make it through this, anyone can.

There really isn't any excuse.

Children. Work. Buying a home. Vacation. Not ready.

These are excuses I hear everyday as I advise grown adults to complete their education. I work in the education field and I know that people hold themselves back ALL THE TIME!

Don't let doubt, fear, or lack of self confidence talk you out of it.
Go for it!
If I can get my homework done from a hotel room while on our Disney vacation then so can you! Every time you say "I'll start next semester" is just a greater chance you won't start at all. So stop holding yourself back with whatever you want to accomplish in life, not just your education.

12 weeks and the countdown begins! I'm really ready to burst!

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