It's always a question us Moms hate to admit. As a Mom of two young girls, I've always
believed that no Mom could get along with all of her children equally. I'm not talking
about loving your children, I'm talking about getting along with them. I do believe that
Moms love all their children to the same extent. But, when it comes to who we
actually get along with, there are kids that are more drawn to their parents
than others.
For starters, my girls are still pretty
young (5 and 2 1/2 years old). They are just developing their personalities and
my oldest just started kindergarten. I can't honestly say in my heart that
there is one that I'm drawn to the most at this point in time, but I'm not dumb
to the fact that it may very well happen.
Growing up, we always knew who the
favorite sibling was. I don't think my Mom loved them anymore than me but she had her favorite. He was a favorite to everyone in the family, which is why I
didn't blame her. I don't believe I've ever let it really affect me. I don't hold any jealousy or resentment about it. It just is what it is.
So... with all that being said, how does a Mother deal with the grandparent’s favorite? How does the parent deal when a
grandparent favors one grandchild over another, especially when the two
opposing kids are both your children? This is something I have been struggling with,
trying to wrap my brain around. It's hard because it's hurtful to my daughter.
I hate for my child to have to go feeling unloved by their grandparent. It's devastating when it's so present and you feel the heartbreak as it's happening right before your eyes but what do you say? It's not like one is spoiled with more gifts than the other. It's so simple that it can be objected and denied. It's in the way one looks, talks, responds and physically shows affection.
I hate for my child to have to go feeling unloved by their grandparent. It's devastating when it's so present and you feel the heartbreak as it's happening right before your eyes but what do you say? It's not like one is spoiled with more gifts than the other. It's so simple that it can be objected and denied. It's in the way one looks, talks, responds and physically shows affection.
When I child goes to hug a grandparent and
they don't receive a hug back, what is the child to do? It's hard when you see
it and its even heart wrenching when the kids acknowledge it, too.
I wish a gentle conversation would work in
this situation but it hasn't and at this point I can't force someone to feel
something they don't. So it is what it is. I'm a strong believer in people
creating their own situations and this will unfortunately stick with my daughter.
One day, when they wake up and realize the situation they have created, they have no one else to blame but themselves because you can't expect a young child to develop and cope with these type of feelings like an adult would. We all make our own beds and the reactions we have to other people are what we have to live with. We can't expect a situation to be one way when we are not willing to work for it.
What would you do in a situation like this?

One day, when they wake up and realize the situation they have created, they have no one else to blame but themselves because you can't expect a young child to develop and cope with these type of feelings like an adult would. We all make our own beds and the reactions we have to other people are what we have to live with. We can't expect a situation to be one way when we are not willing to work for it.
What would you do in a situation like this?

I wish I knew since I'm in the same boat as you. My son has Cerebral Palsy and his grandparents cannot handle it. They take my girls for special outings but never him. They refuse to acknowledge that he's different (won't talk about therapies and question why he's in special ed) and while he isn't ignored, it's different. For my husband and I it's caused a huge wedge between us and it's hard to be around them. If you come up with a conclusion, let me know.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear that. It's such an awful feeling. I hope things work out for your family!
DeleteI've had to call out grandparents on this in my family. It wasn't pretty, but I had to confront them about it because their favoritism was so glaringly obvious.
ReplyDeleteI need to take your advise and work on this. I'm one of those people that avoids confrontation at all cost and ends up getting walked all over. I need to just buck up!
DeleteI'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you find a way to talk to them about. Maybe it won't be pretty (like Shell mentioned) but it will be worth it for them become aware.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right. I would be worth if for my children!